Domain Name Arrears
Domain Name Registrations are renewed annually at a fee of $120 BDS or $62US.
Domain Names which are not renewed within 60 days after the renewal date, may be removed from the ".bb" DNS Server.
Domain Names may be re-instated on payment of the outstanding arrears.
Public Notice
Domain Name Administration
The Government of Barbados, through the Telecommunications Unit and with agreement of Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Ltd, took over the Administration of the country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) .bb from 18 February 2008.
Barbados' Policy on Domain Name Registration can be accessed under the link - "Policies, Plans & Registers".
All persons desirous of obtaining a ".bb" Domain Name must complete the Domain Name Registration Application Form TU052 and submit the fee of $120 BDS (or $62USD) by cash or cheque written to the Chief Telecommunications Officer.
At this time, payments can only be made by cash or cheques.
No one-character domains are allowed.
Special permission may be granted by the Chief Telecommunications Officer for two-character ".bb"domain names.
Cheques (or bank drafts) must accompany the completed Application Form TU052 and sent to:
Chief Telecommunications Officer
Telecommunications Unit
Country Road
St. Michael
Barbados BB11081
Successful Applicants will be issued with a valid Domain Registration Licence TUL152 by the Chief Telecommunications Officer under the terms and conditions of the Licence.
Domain Registration Licences (TUL152) are renewed annually at a fee of $120.
Existing ".bb" Domain Names previously registered with Cable & Wireless will now be administered by the Telecommunications Unit and will be renewed at their expiration dates on payment of the renewal fee to the Chief Telecommunications Officer.
Please note that applicants must have a local presence to register a ".bb" domain.
Queries pertaining to the administration of the ccTLD .bb should be directed to:
Telecommunications Unit,
Trinity Business Centre
Country Road
St. Michael. BB 11081
Tel: (246) 535 2540
Fax: (246)626 0960
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Updated: 30 December 2013
Click on link at left for : Barbados Domains -WHOIS
Updated: 3 April 2009